Brandon Lands in the Crew 42 Eagle Nest

On August 10th, 2023 our Crew Committee Chair Mike Cosgrove and Crew Advisor Aaron Johnson (representing Troop 718) presented Brandon Hamilton at one of the first in person Eagle Scout Character Boards since the pandemic and we are pleased to announce he passed and became the newest Eagle Scout from Troop 718!
Brandon joined Troop 718 on November 1st, 2016 and has served the Troop as a Troop Guide, Patrol Leader, Librarian, and Assistant Senior Patrol Leader. Brandon earned 27 merit badges and the Bronze Eagle Palm. Over his scouting journey, he camped 73 nights, hiked over 22.7 miles, and did over 132.25 service hours not including his Eagle Project which took over 100 hours. Brandon’s Eagle Project benefited the Special Education Department at South High School where he improved the back patio by weeding and landscaping the planter, building and installing a tough shed to protect the physical therapy equipment, repainting the back wall and replacing broken picnic tables and seating areas. Through dedication, hard work and the support of his family, Troop 718 and Crew 42 leadership, and fellow scouts, he achieved the highest rank in Scouts BSA.
He will soon be a student at El Camino and is looking to become a firefighter. Now that Brandon has celebrated his 18th birthday, he has left the troop and continues his scouting adventure as a member of Venturing Crew 42.
Please join us in congratulating Brandon on his outstanding achievement. Welcome to the Eagle’s Nest!