Annual Planning, Goal Setting & Time Management Training

Finally after a long wait, design changes, merchant changes, and order finalizations, we have our new Crew 42 Class B uniforms! It will be nice to look like a cohesive unit again. The shirts look great and the sweatshirts have that new fluffy feeling. Perfect for the imminent windy evening.
While waiting for some late arrivals, the crew took an impromptu hike to the Cabrillo Marine Aquarium to learn about the local sea life.

In the afternoon, the crew gathered in the Cabrillo Training Room to learn about Goal Setting and Time Management. Jane introduced the idea of time voids, how to recognize them and how to reduce or avoid them. Erica taught about time management and how you can find time to do the important things and still find time to do less important but enjoyable activities. Mike taught about organization and efficiancy and Jon taught the crew about fish.