How to Get Started and Maintain Membership
‘This must be Thursday,’ said Arthur to himself… ‘I never could get the hang of Thursdays.‘
– Douglas Adams

Our Crew meetings are scheduled for every first and third Thursday of the month from 7:00 pm – 9:00 pm. If there is a 5th Thursday (and it doesn’t fall on a holiday), we will host a recruitment night.
Please see below for how to get started and what to do to maintain your membership in Crew 42.
If you are interested in becoming a member of Crew 42, you must be at least 13 years old and have completed the 8th grade.
Crossing “I”s and Dotting “T”s, wait, reverse that.
BSA Applications
If you are new to scouting, you can go to to find Packs, Troops, Crews and Ships in your area. Enter your zip code, select the Venturing icon, click the “find a unit” button below and scroll down to select Crew 0042. From here you can submit an inquiry for more information or you can also submit an online application for approval.
You can also go to our Contact Us page, and use the email at the bottom to let us know you are interested in joining. We will arrange an interview with our Crew President and one of our Adult Advisors.
For 13 through 17 years old applicants, please fill out the BSA Youth Application. If you want to be a crew member, and you are 18 to 20 years old, fill out the BSA Adult Application. For those looking to be a Mentor and are 21 or older, please fill out a BSA Adult Application.
If you are currently registered with Boy Scouts of America Greater Los Angeles Area Council, your parent can log into, go to the menu at the top left and select My Application. On the next screen under the Transfer / Multiple Application header, on the line that corresponds with the scout or adult joining the crew, click the Multiple button. A pop-up window will appear called Unit Search for Unit Multiples. Select Crew from the Unit type dropdown, enter 0042 under Unit Number, click Search. Under the Unit Results bar, find, Crew 42 and click select. Follow any further directions to submit your request for approval.
BSA Medical Forms
All participants must have current BSA Medical Forms A & B on file and updated yearly. Form C must be submitted in advance of any event lasting over 72 hours. Some high adventure locations have their own special health forms that must be submitted in advance. Health forms must be updated yearly so please remember to bring a Form C with you to your annual health check up and avoid having to get one filled out and signed at the last minute. You can find current forms on our Forms, Docs, and Info page.
Youth Protection
It is required for everyone 18 and older to take the BSA Youth Protection Training yearly. This training is available online through the website. Completion certificates must be forwarded to the Committee Chair. We recommend saving a copy as a .pdf.
Adult Advisors, Committee members, and parents who want to attend any overnight events must be registered with the BSA, complete the California mandated AB506 volunteer training. Live Scan fingerprinting, and submit a background check disclosure. Click here for to begin this procedure.
We pay yearly Crew dues as well as annual Boy Scouts of America membership fees. The annual renewal is based on your membership registration date. National Membership Fee as well as the Council Membership Fee are payable annually and help to support the District, Council, and National organization as well as the land they maintain to provide Camping opportunities to the scouting community. If you are already a member of a Scouts BSA Troop or Sea Scout Ship within the Council, and have paid your dues, there is no fee for registering in the Crew as well and only the Crew dues are collected. Crew dues help pay for the Crew registration in the Council as well as awards and certificates earned throughout the year.
Please click on the Forms, Docs, Info page for links to get started.